Guy wire,Stay wire

The guy wire is also known as guy rope, guy strand, or stay wire. They are made from galvanized steel, or stainless steel which helps them to resist the harsh weather conditions such as rain, storm, winds and high temperatures. Insulated guy wires are made of a finish that helps them to prevent electrocution in case of contact with the human skin. Braided guy wires have high tensile strength that prevents them from breaking and other physical stresses. They are also used in electric systems, radio towers, wind turbines and in ships masts for sailing.

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Construction of guy wire:


The guy wire can be divided into various divisions that help to describe the best guy wire. These are as discussed below. Other features of a good guy wire state that it should be lightweight, have good design, have a little stretch, should be durable and have high break strengths to withstand great tension.

1. Material — the materials used to make the guy wires are important in assisting them to be durable by resisting different weather conditions. The materials should be pure and quality steel and should be coated by zinc.

2. Stranding — the wire strands should be covered in the wires known as 7-wire of 19-wire strands.

3. Tension and design — the guy wire should have a high tensile strength that helps it to prevent breaking and be resistant to all weather conditions that allow it to increase the service life of the guy wire.

4. Weight of the coating — the guy wires should be coated in zinc per ASTM 475 standard, and the weight is determined by the evaluation based the various test methods.

5. Finish — the zinc-coated wire is free of flaws that are not in consistent with industrial standards. The zinc coating is constant and of reasonably uniform thickness.

Application of guy wire:

The guy wires as previously stated can be used in power systems, telecommunications, broadcasting and ship masts. The various ways they are used are as discussed below.

1. Power systems  power systems use utility lines that run for long distances with many utility poles which need to cross many places. These connections cause a lot of tension between the different poles, guy wires are connected from the pole to the ground to support the unstable loads and make sure the structures are straight and prevent the ground from moving. A guy wire is used with guy set, which is insulated to avoid shock in case of contact with the human skin.

2. Telecommunications and broadcasting — the guy wires can be used to support the telephone pole or antenna mast. They are similar to the ones used for the power systems.

3. Sailing — the guy wires can be used to support the masts of the ship for easier sail. The guy wires are made of stainless steel that helps it resists rust especially from frequent contact with water.

Functions of guy wire: Application of guy wire:

The guy wires basically support the height of the poles or structures that are high standing to add stability and prevent falling, bending or breaking of the poles. This also offers safety by keeping the structures erect from the strong winds or storms that may affect the structures. The guy wires also help construction to use higher limits which may be lower due to the absence of the guy wires. They are used in a diagonal line from the post or tower to provide maximum stability and they are made from galvanized stainless steel that helps to reduce corrosion and rust while also preventing electrocution.

Guy wires are tensioned cables, ropes or wires that are used to steady, guide or secure all sorts of tall buildings and structures that are not self-sustaining. The use of the guy wires provide stability and prevent bending, breaking and even falling of the tall buildings. They can be used on the power systems, telecommunications and broadcasting. They were initially used in providing support to the ship masts to help in sailing. They are installed at an angle far from the post or tower in a diagonal line which helps to distribute the unbalanced load in the overhead lines.

Stranding of guy wire:


The guy wires are categorized according to the type of stranding that is used to make the wire or rope. The major stranding for the guying products are mainly two types which is 1*7 stranding and 1*19 stranding. These stranding have one major core for added stability.

1. 1*7 stranding – these are made of galvanized steel and it is used in guying applications such as towers, antenna and other tall structures that are placed from the top to the ground. They include the use of seven strands that are twisted together to make the rope. They should be installed or used in areas where rare bending will occur.

2. 1*19 stranding – these are also galvanized strands that are also used in guying the free, high- standing structures. The galvanized steel helps to prevent corrosion and rust. They use the twisting of the nineteen strands to make the guy wire with one central core. They have lower breaking strength than the seven strand wires. They are also used in supporting and adding stability to the antenna, towers and other tall structures. these

Advantages of guy wires:

The main importance of the guy wire is supporting and adding stability to the high and free standing structures such as poles, towers and tall buildings. Other advantages and benefits of the guy wire are as follows.

· They are easy to prepare and install.

· They have a simple design which makes them easy to use.

· They have a flexible structure.

· They are durable to have a long life.

· They can be used in most applications.

· They have high strength that prevent them from breaking.

· They are lightweight which makes easy transportation and installation.

Disadvantages of guy wires:

Guy wires have more benefits that support their popularity in the market and the power industries. However, they have some limitations that affect their use in the industry. These are as follows.

· Since they are made from galvanized steel, they tend to have a lower flexibility.

· Some may have poor resistance to the bending deformation.

Delivery and Package of guy wire:
